May 30th, 2016 marks Memorial Day in the USA. In the recent Global war on terror 23 Samoans were killed in action in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Herein, are their names and dates in which they were killed in action. The highest ranked Killed in action Samoan military casualty was Lt. Colonel Max Galeai from the 2nd Bn, 3rd Marines, from the 3rd Marines Division, Hawaii. Whom was killed by a suicide bomber.

1st Lt. Jason Togi was not added on this list as he was KIA in 2013, bringing up this tally to 23 KIA.

Only one Soldier Pvt Kirifi Mila was a Samoan killed in Afghanistan whilst serving in the New Zealand Army within the Infantry Corp.

Over 2,000 Samoans served in the Global War on Terror. 2,000 Samoan military servicemen who had seen action in the global war on terror, out of a global population of less than 500,000 Samoans, this represents the largest percentage of military servicemen per head of population who have served in the global war on terror compared to any other race on the planet.
Of this 2,000 Samoans 23 were KIA making the Samoans as having the highest casualty rate of any race in the recent global war on terror.
Tim Tufuga
30th May, 2016.
1. Military Times. http://thefallen.militarytimes.com/army-1st-lt-jason-togi/6568500
2. Samoan Patriots, https://www.facebook.com/SamoanPatriot/?fref=ts
3. Military Times. http://thefallen.origin-domain.sightlmg.com/marine-lt-col-max-a-galeai/3608696