Friday, 30 September 2016

Islamic State of Donbass and Lugant the primary suspects for the MH17 Casus Belli attempt, another Ukrainian Red Herring. By Tim Tufuga 30th September, 2016.

The Occidental Joint Investigation Team (JIT) had submitted their interim report to the public media and have overwhelming concluded that the probable culprits for the MH17 shootdown were Russian military sourced.

What has not been confirmed as to which units and nationalities were involved in the BUK battery chain of command that would order the MH17 shootdown.

Since the initial MH17 preliminary findings were submitted the public knowledge of certain military elements that were not directly linked with the mainstay Belligerent factions of the Donbass separatists and the Ukrainian military forces, would include a very visible presence of Chechen Fedayeen fighters who have enjoined the Ukrainian conflict as directly Russian Army enlistees, or recruited as Mercenaries, within the Ukrainian Separatist units. Collectively, the Chechens and other Muslims within the Ukrainian Separatists, have since been collectively identified as the Islamic State of Donbass and Lugant.

There is a high probability, that the chain of command for the BUK Battery to shootdown MH17 would most likely be a battery unit commanded by Chechens within the Russian forces or more likely within the Islamic State of Donbass and Lugant (ISDL). Subsequently, the mainstream Russian Armed forces chain of command, would not be made aware of this unilateral rogue executive order, directly.

Consequently, it would be important for the Russian and Occidental elements to deductively look into the ISDL as the most likely cause for a Casus Belli event.

NB. IDSL was a speculative red herring circulated by Islamic Social media sources to distract and disinform the investigation. The primary suspect for the MH 17 shootdown is most likely the Ukrainian Military. 

By Tim Tufuga

September 30th, 2016


1. ABC,


3. The Moscow Times, Dolgov, A,

4. Youtube, 2014,

5. ISDL,

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Australian White Phosphorus bombing of Syrian Army is it considered a war crime under the Geneva Protocols on Incendiary weapons? By Tim Tufuga

(RAAF FA 18 courtesy ABC Australia)

Under the general scope of the Incendiary weapons munitions definition as defined as an illegal chemical weapon, the White Phosphorous (WP) bombing of the Syrian Army positions killing an estimated hundred or so Syrian Soldiers at a military base near the Deir al-Zor military airport, East of Syria, may have constituted a war crime under the 1980 Protocols on Incendiary Weapons (Convention on certain conventional weapons)?

According to the 1980s Protocols on Incendiary Weapons, this indictment against Australia may be considered a valid moot, particularly, under the general definition that,

“ any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on that target. “

However, in defence of its military use, in a tactical combat situation, white phosphorus primary military function, is to act as an illuminant and, or an obscurant (smoke screen), supportive function, in actual tactical combat operations, and it is not considered as a primary weapon to destroy enemy targets. With this definition of White Phosphorus chemical weapon ordnances primary illuminant and obscurant function and not as a primary weapon to inflict lethal effects upon a military targets, renders the deaths of military targets as merely incidental deaths caused by the white phosphorus illuminant weapon.

In this later definition of White Phosphorus chemical weapon delivery upon the Syrian Army positions causing the deaths of nearly a hundred military and civilian personnel, therefore, does not constitute a war crime under the Protocols on Incendiary Weapons by the Geneva convention 1992, particularly, under section (b) of the 1992 definition, whereby,

“ Munitions and devices, specifically designed to cause death or other harm through the toxic properties of those chemicals specified…”

The keywords, in this updated version, is whether the White Phosphorus is specifically designed. If the primary function of the White Phosphorus was to illuminate the target area then the specific design of the weapon is not considered to be a primary weapon and therefore exonerates Australia from having committed a war crime.

However, when compared to the initial 1980 Protocols on Incendiary Weapons, the definition seems unambiguous and would have levelled the culpability of using White Phosphorus as a certain type of an actual conventional weapon to inflict actual lethality then Australia has indeed committed a war crime.

Just to reiterate, in no uncertain terms, that the more clarified definition of the delivery of an illuminant weapon by the Australian FA18 bombing sortie upon a Syrian Army position, near the Deir al-Zor military airport, was not considered as a primary weapon to destroy and neutralise a military target, in this definition Australia has not committed a war crime, and under the specific definitions extrapolated within the 1992 Protocols on Incendiary Weapons of the Geneva Conventions on Certain Conventional Weapons, the Australian use of White Phosphorus upon a Syrian Army military post accidentally killing Syrian soldiers is not considered a culpable war crime and that the Australian government can not possibly have committed a war crime.

Tim Tufuga
26th September, 2016.


1. White Phosphorus, Weapons Law Encyclopedia,

2. Australian Jets involved in botched air strike, ABC, 19th September, 2016.

3. Syrian Crisis, ABC,, 19th September, 2016.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The scourge of Islamic Jihadists fueling the return to the political fore of xenophobic political parties: The return of Senator Hanson.

Senator Pauline Hanson, has become the carpetbagger who has arisen like the Phoenix from the political ashes. Senator Pauline Hanson had polled over 140,000 Australian senate votes to elevate her back into a political career. A former jailbird whom was ousted from her Political party, One Nation Party, has once again become the vox populi voice and the embodiment of the ultra xenophobic and chauvinistic Australia.

(Pauline Hanson Google images)
(Australian Muslim Protestors, Google images)

The Ultra right and the radical Jihadist symbiosis.

Paradoxically, the political and cultural symbiosis between the rise of the ultra right wing xenophobic political parties, such as the United Australia Party, with their hate fueled political narrative, has worked in political collusion with the politically radicalised belligerent Islamic Jihadist groups, as the focus point objective for xenophobic scapegoatism. In this symbiosis of hate begets hate, the synthetic outcome of the present ethnic and religious tension is yet another impetus for a fervent anti-Multiculturalism narrative.

The Cronulla riots and other riots throughout Australia reflected the storm in a tea cup racial tension generated in certain pockets of Australian communities. (Aussie Pride protestors, Google images)

The bifurcated and symbiotic relationship between the radicalised Islamic Jihadists, and the Ultra-right reactionary political elements, of many Western Societies including Australia, has become a salient ultra right conspiracy that would become a dummified version of a Tom Clancy novel theme and motif of a subversive rise of neo-fascist elements of society, from one form of extremist terrorism from the ultra right of the ilk of the Anders Brevik, as the insipid bedfellows with the radicalised Islamic Jihadists throughout Western communities, both viewing the common enemy of multiculturalism, the liberals, the moderate centre left political mainstream of most Western Societies. The International Labour Movement and the Left wing political mainstream has also come into the cross hairs of the ultra right. The Radicalised Muslim Jihadist, mostly, angry Muslim menfolk from the western suburbs of Sydney, and other less affluent Australian suburbs. Such suburbs are typical in England, Belgium and France as areas where recent homegrown jihadist terrorists were radicalised and becoming activated as Actuals.

(Anders Brevik, Google images)

In Australia, the face of resentment and hatred has manifested itself, by a gaffe riddled, stuttering, redheaded white Anglo-Australian woman, from a less affluent West Brisbane suburban area, having been disendorsed by the Liberal Party, and by the One Nation party to becoming the current leader of the United Australian Party.

The current popularity of the ultra right wing political parties have culminated with the United Kingdom Independent Party (UKIP) removing Great Britain from the EU, during the Brexit. Not even the race riots from 1981 till 1985 during the Brixton race riots could Great Britain could ever hope to leave the European Economic Community. However, the 2005 London bombings and the global war on terror and the radicalised domestic terrorism has given impetus for the British to veer anti-multicultural and right wing.

The French rightwing National Front leader Le Pen,; has become a tour de force with the help of the Paris massacre in November 2015. Other obvious results from the Global war on terror has been the influx of war refugees from the Middle East to Europe.

The feeling of justified political success of the ultra right has swept the world and the Neo-Fascism has become the anti-Liberal mantra and the anti Multiculturalism narrative has become the ultimate objective for the right wing agenda.

Pauline Hanson's victory was a rousing victory for her anti-multicultural agenda. Her Neo-Nazi minions had millieued around Bendigo in a anti-Mosque protestation. Whilst, it may be argued is not a constitutional crime it is however considered a Federal offence under the Racial Discrimination Act, 1975. Countering the Bendigo United Patriots Front and other National Front movements within Australia the pro-multicultural groups and anti fascist protesters would confront the National Front rioters. To exacerbate the pro-multicultural narrative has been the radicalised Islamic Jihadist who have degraded and the merits of a cosmopolitan and a multi-culturally harmonious society.

The present political zeitgeist in a global war on terror is the perpetual rise of the radicalised Islamic individuals, such as the unaffiliated and unassociated lone wolves, who have arisen from the seemingly innocuous suburbs, throughout most civil societies throughout the known free world. The victors no doubt are the proponents for the ultra reactionary and homogenous xenophobic mainstream. The victims are the target ethnic groups for the moment, the Islamic communities. Outwardly, multiculturalism is once again challenged by the negative influences of both the ultra right homogenous mainstream and the extreme radicalised minority groups such as the Radicalised Islamic Jihadist.

Tim Tufuga

16th September, 2016.


1. Hanson, P, Senator P. Hanson Full Speech, 14th September, 2016,

2. Morris, M, ABC,