Friday, 30 September 2016

Islamic State of Donbass and Lugant the primary suspects for the MH17 Casus Belli attempt, another Ukrainian Red Herring. By Tim Tufuga 30th September, 2016.

The Occidental Joint Investigation Team (JIT) had submitted their interim report to the public media and have overwhelming concluded that the probable culprits for the MH17 shootdown were Russian military sourced.

What has not been confirmed as to which units and nationalities were involved in the BUK battery chain of command that would order the MH17 shootdown.

Since the initial MH17 preliminary findings were submitted the public knowledge of certain military elements that were not directly linked with the mainstay Belligerent factions of the Donbass separatists and the Ukrainian military forces, would include a very visible presence of Chechen Fedayeen fighters who have enjoined the Ukrainian conflict as directly Russian Army enlistees, or recruited as Mercenaries, within the Ukrainian Separatist units. Collectively, the Chechens and other Muslims within the Ukrainian Separatists, have since been collectively identified as the Islamic State of Donbass and Lugant.

There is a high probability, that the chain of command for the BUK Battery to shootdown MH17 would most likely be a battery unit commanded by Chechens within the Russian forces or more likely within the Islamic State of Donbass and Lugant (ISDL). Subsequently, the mainstream Russian Armed forces chain of command, would not be made aware of this unilateral rogue executive order, directly.

Consequently, it would be important for the Russian and Occidental elements to deductively look into the ISDL as the most likely cause for a Casus Belli event.

NB. IDSL was a speculative red herring circulated by Islamic Social media sources to distract and disinform the investigation. The primary suspect for the MH 17 shootdown is most likely the Ukrainian Military. 

By Tim Tufuga

September 30th, 2016


1. ABC,


3. The Moscow Times, Dolgov, A,

4. Youtube, 2014,

5. ISDL,

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